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Interrogative and Indefinite Pronouns.


The Substantive Interrogative Pronoun quis, who? qui?AEL-DOUBT-TM? what? is declined in the Singular as follows: -

M., F. N.
NOM. quis quid
GEN. cuius cuius
DAT. cui cui
ACC. quem quid
ABL. quó quó

The Plural is the same as that of the Relative, quí, quae, quae.

a. The singular quis is either masculine or of indeterminate gend[QUERY] but in old writers it is sometimes distinctly feminine.

b. The Adjective Interrogative Pronoun, quí, quae, quod, what kind [QUERY] what ? which ? is declined throughout like the Relative: -

quis vocat, who calls ? quí homó vocat, what man calls ?
quid vidés, what do you see ? quod templum vidés, what temple do you s[QUERY]

NOTE: But quí is often used without any apparent adjective force; and qui[QUERY] very common as an adjective, especially with words denoting a person: as, quí n[QUERY] nat mé? who calls my name ? quis diés fuit ? what day was it ? quis homó ? what [QUERY] but often quí homó? what kind of man? nesció quí sís, I know not who you are.

c. Quisnam, pray, who ? is an emphatic interrogative. It has both s[QUERY] stantive and adjective forms like quis, quí.