Their conjugation is usually regular, like amó; though of many only a few forms are found in use.
a. The following verbs form their Perfect and Supine stems irregularly. Those marked * have also regular forms.
crepó, crepuí (-crepáví), -crepit-, resound. | plicó, *-plicuí, *-plicit-, fold. |
cubó, *cubuí, -cubit-, lie down. | pótó, pótáví, *pót-, drink. |
dó, dare, dedí, dat-, give (DA). | secó, secuí, sect-, cut. |
domó, domuí, domit-, subdue. | sonó, sonuí, sonit-,[1][Future Participle also in -átúrus (either in the simple verb or in composition).] sound. |
fricó, fricuí, *frict-, rub. | stó, stetí, -stat- (-stit-), stand. |
iuvó (ad-iuvó), iúví, iút-,[2][Future Participle also in -=at=urus (either in the simple verb or in composition).] help. | tonó, tonuí, *-tonit-, thunder. |
micó, micuí, - - , glitter. | vetó, vetuí, vetit-, forbid. |
necó, *necuí, necát- (-nect-), kill.[3][Necó has regularly necáví, necátum, except in composition.] | |
NOTE: Compounds of these verbs have the following forms: -