- aer-árium,
N., treasury, from aes,
- tepid-árium, N. ,
warm bath, from tepidus,
- súd-árium, N.,
a towel, cf. súdó,
-áre, sweat.
- sal-árium, N., salt
money, salary, from sál,
- calend-árium, N., a
note-book, from calendae,
4. -tória (-sória):
- Agitá-tória,
F., a play of Plautus, The Carter, from agit=ator.
- vor-sória, F., a
tack (nautical), from vorsus, a
5. -tórium
(-sórium), place of action (with a few of more general meaning):
- dévor-sórium,
N., an inn, as from dévortó, turn aside.
- audí-tórium,
N., a lecture-room, as from audió, hear.
- ten-tórium, N., a
tent, as from tendó,
- téc-tórium, N.,
plaster, as from tegó,
téctus, cover.
- por-tórium, N.,
toll, cf. portó,
carry, and portus,
6. -íle,
animal-stall: -
- bov-íle, N.,
cattle-stall, from bós,
bovis, ox, cow.
- ov-íle, N.,
sheepfold, from ovis, stem
ovi-, sheep.
7. -al for -ále, thing connected with the
primitive: -
- capit-al, N.,
headdress, capital crime, from caput, head.
- penetr-ále (especially in plural), N., inner apartment, cf. penetró, enter.
- Sáturn-ália, N.
plural (the regular form for names of festivals), feast of
Saturn, from Sáturnus.
8. -étum, N. (cf. -átus, -útus, see § 246. N.), -tum, place
of a thing, especially with names of trees and plants to designate
where these grow: -
- querc-étum, N.,
oak grove, from quercus,
- oív-étum, N.,
olive grove, from olíva,
an olive tree.
- salic-tum, N., a willow
thicket, from salix, a willow
- Argil-étum, N., The
Clay Pit, from argilla,
9. -cus (sometimes with inserted i, -icus), -ícus, in any one of the genders, with
various meanings: -
- víli-cus, M., a
steward, víli-ca, F., a
stewardess, from vílla,
- fabr-ica, F., a
workshop, from faber,
- am-ícus, M., am-íca, F., friend, cf. amáre, to love.
- búbul-cus, M.,
ox-tender, from búb-ulus, diminutive, cf. bós, ox.
- cant-icum, N., song,
from cantus, act of singing.
- rubr-íca, F., red
paint, from ruber, red.
10. -eus, -ea, -eum, with various
meanings: -
- alv-eus, M., a trough,
from alvus, the belly.
- capr-ea, F., a wild
she-goat, from caper,
- flamm-eum, N., a bridal
veil, from flamma, flame,
from its color.
11. -ter (stem tri-), -aster,
-ester: -
- eques-ter, M., knight,
for equet-ter.
- sequ-ester, M., a
stake-holder, from derivative of sequor, follow.
- ole-aster, M., wild
olive, from olea, an olive