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Certain verbs implying motion very in their
construction between the Dative of the Indirect Object and the Accusative
of the End of Motion (§§ 426,427): -
1. Some verbs implying motion take the Accusative (usually with ad or in) instead of
the Indirect Object, when the idea of motion prevails: -
- litterás quás ad
Pompêium scrípsí (Att. iii. 8. 4), the
letter which I have written [and sent] to Pompey. [Cf. nón quó habérem quod tibi
scríberem (id. iv. 4A), not that I had anything to write
to you.]
- litterae extempló
Rómam scríptae (Liv. xli. 16), a letter was
immediately written [and sent] to Rome.
- hostís in fugam dat
(B. G. v. 51), he puts the enemy to flight. [Cf. ut mé dem fugae (Att. vii. 23), to
take to flight.]
- omnés rem ad Pompêium
déferrí volunt (Fam. i. 1), all wish the matter
be put in the hands of Pompey (referred to Pompey).
2. On the other hand, many verbs of motion usually followed by the
Accusative with ad or in, take the Dative when the idea of
motion is merged with some other idea: -
- mihi litterás mittere (Fam. vii. 12), to send
me a letter.
- eum librum tibi
mísí (id. vii. 19), I sent you that book.
- nec quicquam quod nón mihi
Caesar détulerit (id. iv. 13), and nothing which Caesar
did not communicate to me.
- cúrés ut mihi vehantur
(id. viii. 4. 5), take care that they be conveyed to me.
- cumalius alií subsidium
ferrent (B. G. ii. 26), while one lent aid to another.