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The regular form of the Ablative singular of i-stems would be : as, sitis, sití; but in most nouns this is changed to -e.

a. The ablative in is found exclusively -

1. In nouns having the accusative in -im (§ 75); also secúris.

2. In the following adjectives used as nouns: aequális, annális, aquális, cónsuláris, gentílis, moláris, prímipíláris, tribúlis.

3. In neuters in -e, -al, -ar: except baccar, iubar, réte, and sometimes mare.

b. The ablative in is found sometimes -

1. In avis, clávis, febris, fínis, ígnis,[1][Always in the formula aquá et ígní interdící (§ 401).] imber, lúx, návis, ovis, pelvis, puppis, sémentis, strigilis, turris, and occasionally in other words.

2. In the following adjectives used as nouns: affinis, bipennis, canális, familáris, nátális, rívális, sapiéns, tridéns, trirémis, vócális.

NOTE 1: The ablative of famés is always famé (§ 105. e). The defective máne has sometimes mání (§ 103. b. N.) as ablative.

NOTE 2: Most names of towns in -e (as, Praeneste, Tergeste) and Sóracte, a mountain, have the ablative in -e. Caere has Caeréte.

NOTE 3: Canis and iuvenis have cane, iuvene.