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The so-called Roman Pronunciation of Latin aims to represent approximately the pronunciation of classical times. 

VOWELS: á as in father; a as in idea;
é as in eh? (prolonged) or a in date; e as eh? (clipped) or e in net;
í as in machine; i as in holiest or sit;
ó as in holy; o as in obey;
ú as oo in boot; u as oo in foot;
y between u and i (French u or German ü).
DIPHTHONGS: ae like ay; ei as in eight; oe like oy in boy;
eu as eh'oo; au like ow in now; ui as oo'ee.
Consonants are the same as in English, except that -

NOTE: Latin is sometimes pronounced with the ordinary English sounds of the letters. The English pronunciation should be used in Roman names occurring in English (as, Julius Caesar); and in familiar quotations, as, e pluribus unum; uiua voce; vice versa; a fortiori; veni, vidi, vici, etc.