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The so-called Roman Pronunciation of Latin aims to
represent approximately the pronunciation of classical times.
as in father; | a as in
idea; |
é as
eh? (prolonged) or a in date; | e as eh? (clipped) or e in
net; |
í as in
machine; | i as in
holiest or sit; |
ó as in holy; | o as in obey; |
ú as oo in boot; |
u as oo in foot; |
y between u and i
(French u or German ü). |
like ay; | ei as in
eight; | oe like oy
in boy; |
eu as
eh'oo; | au like ow
in now; | ui as
oo'ee. |
Consonants are the same as in English, except that
- c and g are as in come, get, never as in
city, gem.
- s as in sea, lips,
never as in ease.
- Consonant i is like y
in young; v (consonant u) like w in wing.
- n in the combinations
ns and nf probably indicates nasalization of the
preceding vowel, which was also lengthened; and final m in an unaccented syllable probably had a
similar nasalizing effect on the preceding vowel.
- ph, th, ch, are properly like
p, t, k, followed by h (which may, for convenience, be neglected);
but ph probably became like (or nearly like) f soon after the classical
period, and may be so pronounced to distinguish it from p.
- z is as dz in
- bs is like ps;
bt is like pt.
NOTE: Latin is sometimes pronounced with the ordinary English
sounds of the letters. The English pronunciation should be used in Roman
names occurring in English (as, Julius Caesar); and in familiar
quotations, as, e pluribus unum; uiua voce; vice versa; a fortiori;
veni, vidi, vici, etc.