a. The personal pronouns are not expressed as subjects, except for distinction or emphasis: -
b. The personal pronouns have two forms for the genitive plural, that in -um being used partitively (§ 346), and that in -í oftenest objectively (§ 348): -
NOTE 1: The genitives nostrum, vestrum, are occasionally used objectively (§ 348): as, - cupidus vestrum (Verr. iii. 224), fond of you; custós vestrum (Cat. iii. 29), the guardian of you (your guardian).
NOTE 2: ``One of themselves'' is expressed by únus ex suís or ipsís (rarely ex sé) or únus suórum.
c. The Latin has no personal pronouns of the third person except the reflexive sé. The want is supplied by a Demonstrative or Relative (§§ 296. 2, 308.f).