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Demonstrative Pronouns.
Demonstrative Pronouns are used either
adjectively or substantively.
1. As adjectives, they follow the rules for the agreement of
adjectives and are called Adjective Pronouns or Pronominal Adjectives
(§§ 286, 287): -
- hóc proelió factó, after this battle
was fought (this battle having been fought).
- eódem proelió, in the same battle.
- ex eís
aedificiís, out of those buildings.
2. As substantives, they are equivalent to personal pronouns. This
use is regular in the oblique cases, especially of is: -
- Caesar et exercitus
êius, Caesar and his army (not suus). [But, Caesar
exercitum suum dímísit, Caesar disbanded his
[own] army.]
- sí obsidés ab
eís dentur (B. G. i. 14), if hostages should be
given by them (persons just spoken of).
- hí sunt extrá próvinciam tráns Rhodanum
prímí (id. i. 10), they (those just mentioned)
are the first [inhabitants] across the Rhone.
- ille minimum propter aduléscentiam poterat
(id. i. 20), he (emphatic) had very little power, on account of
his youth.
a. An adjective pronoun usually agrees
with an appositive or predicate noun, if there be one, rather than with
the word to which it refers (cf. § 306): -
- híc locus est únus
quó perfugiant; híc portus, haec arx,
haec ára sociórum (Verr. v. 126), this is
the only place to which they can flee for refuge; this is the haven, this
the citadel, this the altar of the allies.
- rérum caput hóc erat,
híc fons (Hor. Ep. i. 17. 45), this was the head
of things, this the source.
- eam sapientiam interpretantur quam adhúc
mortális némó est cónsecútus
[for id ... quod] (Lael. 18), they
explain that [thing] to be wisdom which no man ever yet