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Verbs of Remembering and Forgetting.
Verbs of remembering and forgetting
take either the Accusative or the Genitive of the object: -
a. Memini takes the Accusative when it has
the literal sense of retaining in the mind what one has seen,
heard, or learned. Hence the accusative is used of persons whom
one remembers as acquaintances, or of things which one has
So oblívíscor in the
opposite sense,to forget literally, to lose all memory of
a thing (very rarely, of a person).
- Cinnam memini (Phil. v. 17),
I rernember Cinna.
- utinam avum tuum meminissés
(id. i. 34), oh! that you could remember your grandfather! (but he died before you were born).
- Postumium, cuius statuam in Isthmó
meminisse té dícis (Att. xiii. 32), Postumius,
whose statue you say you remember (to llave seen) on the
- omnia meminit Síron Epicurí
dogmata (Acad. ii. 106), Siron remembers all the doctrines of
- multa ab aliís audíta
meminérunt (De Or. ii. 355), I remember many things
that they have heard from others.
- tótam causam oblitus est
(Brut. 217), he forgot the whole case.
- hiuc iam oblívíscere
Grâiós (Aen. ii. 148), from henceforth forget tke
Greeks (i.e. not merely disregard them, but banish them from your mind, as if you had never known them).
b. Meminí takes the Genitive when it means to
be mindful or regardful of a person or thing, to think
of somebody or something (often with special interest or warmth of feeling).
So oblívíscor in the
opposite sense, to disregard, or dismiss from the mind, and
the adjective oblitus, careless or
- ipse suí meminerat
(Verr. ii. 136), he was mindful of himself (of his own interests).
- faciam ut hûius locí
diéíque méíque semper memineris
(Ter. Eun. 801), I will make you remember this place and this day and
me as long as you live.
- nec mé meminisse pigébit
Elissae, dum memor ipse mei (Aen. iv. 335), nor shall I feel
regret at the thought of Elissa, so long as I remember myself.
- meminerint verecundiae
(Off. i. 122),let them cherish modesty.
- humanae ínfirmitátis
memim (Liv. xxx. 31. 6), I remember human weakness.
- oblívíscí temporum
meórum, meminisse áctiónum (Fam. i. 9. 8),
to disregard my own interests, to be mindful of the matters at
- nec tamen Epicúrí licet
obllvíscí (Fin. v. 3), and yet I must not forget
- oblívíscere caedis atque
incendiorum (Cat. i. 6), turn your mind from slaughter and
conflagrions (dismiss them from your thoughts).
NOTE 1: With both meminí
and oblívíscor the personal and
reflexive pronouns are regularly in the Genitive; neuter pronouns and
adjectives used substantively are regularly in the Accusative; abstract
nouns are often in the Genitive. These uses come in each instance from
the natural meaning of the verbs (as defined above).
NOTE 2: Meminí in the
sense of mention takes the Genitive: as, eundem Achillam cûius supra meminimus
(B. C. iii. 108), that same Achilles whom I mentioned above.
c. Reminiscor
is rare. It takes the Accusative in the literal sense of call to mind,
recollect; the Genitive in the more figurative sense of be mindful
- ulcís moriéns
reminíscitur Argós (Aen. x. 782), as he dies he
calls to mind his beloved Argos.
- reminiscerétur et ceteris
incommodí populí Romání et prístinae
virtútis Helvétiórum (B. G. i. 13), let
him remember both the former discomfiture of the Roman people and the
ancient valor of the Helvetians. [A warning, let him bear it in
mind (and beware)!]
d. Recordor,
recollect, recall, regularly takes the Accusative: -
- recordáre consensum illum
theatrí (Phil. i. 30), recall that unanimous agreement
the [audieuce in the] theatre.
- recordáminí omnís
civílís dissénsiónés
(Cat. iii. 24), call to mind all the civil wars.
NOTE: Recordor takes the genitive
once (Pison. 12); it is never used with a personal object, but may be
followed by de with the ablative of the
person or thing (cf. § 351. N.): -
- te recordor (Scaur. 49), I
remember about you.
- de illís (lacrimís)
recordor (Planc. 104), I am reminded of those tears.